How can small insulated buildings protect technological equipment?

With the advancements of modern technology, hundreds of thousands of technological equipment are introduced to the industry with various features. The number keeps growing at a rapid speed and regardless of the functionality; all of these machines need extra protection to assure their performance and safety. When it comes to safety and security, there are several strategies used in the industry and usage of small insulated buildings is one of the most common and effective strategies among all.

One of the main advantages of placing the technological equipment in an insulated building is the protection from humidity. Most of the tech-related equipment such as servers and switches are subjected to malfunction in the event of getting contaminated with humidity. These equipment consist highly sensitive circuits and once the water penetrated to the components, the device may start to perform faulty functions. Things can be really worse when it comes to rainy seasons as the humidity skyrockets. In addition to the direct influence of sogginess, these devices may get fungus and rust due to oxidation and start to make troubles during the operation. However, you can avoid all these troubles if all these hi-tech stuff are properly positioned in perfectly insulated buildings.

Under regular conditions, coastal and mountain areas are reported to have higher humidity values and cause bigger and quicker damages to the devices. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the other areas do not need the protection of insulated buildings.

Moreover, if you expect equipment to perform at their optimal level (regardless of the type of the equipment), you need to assure the ideal condition for them. Some of the technological equipment made to transmit data in the form of electrical signals. Generally they are equipped with various types of transmitters. To allow these transmissions to function smoothly, the devices must be placed under perfect environmental conditions. One of the best ways to assure this type of an environment is insulation.

Maintaining ideal temperature level for equipment is also an important fact when it comes to safety and performance. Most of the technological devices are highly sensitive to heat. By any chance, if the heat level of the particular location (room) goes up, it may create a negative impact on the devices performance. For an example, a busy server machine generates a large amount of heat because of its continuous operation. In such instances, if you can’t manage the room temperature at a friendly level, things can be chaotic with the server as it starts to responds to excessive heat. Nevertheless, by assuring optimal temperature with the support of insulation, you can get rid of the situation pretty easily.

Depending on the necessity and the type of the building and the equipment there are various insulation types to select. The main intention of insulation is to separate a specified area or equipment from the outer world and prevent harmful contaminations. When there is less contamination, you can expect optimal and undisturbed performance from the equipment.

[Google I/O 2015 ] Battery Draining is No Longer a Major Problem With New Android M

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Battery draining issue is no more relevant to phones from Google as the company rolls out an innovation wherein the battery - draining occurs only half as much as in the earlier phones. It is not about one of those apps that reduce the brightness of the phone or tab, but a whole new idea whose success rate is much higher than expected.

The mobile phones and tabs that are incorporated with this feature save battery up to twice as that of the normal phones. The service detects the idleness of the phone and decides if the power consuming applications should be shut down. If the feature notices that the phone is kept idle and unused for more than a specified amount of time, it automatically turns off applications and other features that drain the battery out. This way, one can experience prolonged battery life after every recharge.

The power conservation feature has been named “Doze” as that is what exactly the phone is made to do if left unused for some time. Although the phone remains functionally inactive with respect to some apps, important components such as Alarms, messages with high priority and Calls remain untouched. Such important notifications are not held back under any circumstance.

The feature will be released along with the new upcoming operating system of Android known as Android M. comparative studies were made using Google Nexus 9 tablets of both Android L ( Doze-free ) and Android M ( Doze- carrying) versions, at the end of which the latter proved to be better off due to its efficiency of battery.

So, one need not fear about battery draining, the universal problem with phones. All that it needs is a few more days for the feature to be made accessible to all the users of Android. 

Free Update of Windows 10 to All Users Including Pirated Ones!

It is gala time for those users of windows as Microsoft will soon be releasing windows 10 for the benefit of all of its users. What is special about this release is that the company has decided to release the version for free for all its users irrespective of those using the original version as well the pirated version. Since nothing happens without a reason, there sure is a strategy behind letting it out for free. Going ahead, one can look for their latest version update to be available by this summer.

The update includes a lot of improvements from that of the earlier version which is 8.1. As the tagline says, the version has been deigned to “do great things” for the users of the product. Some of the added advantages include the return of the start menu, automatic delivery of updates to the system, easy multitasking systems, better web experience, improved gaming experience with Xbox, newer version of Microsoft office.

With all the above features, the update has been made available for each and every user if windows including the users of the pirated version. The reason for the above is simply to ensure that such users experience the freely provided update and realize the value and time that would have been put into designing it. Speaking to Reuters yesterday, Windows chief Terry Myerson explained:“We are upgrading all qualified PCs, genuine and non-genuine, to Windows 10.” This way, the company believes that it can bring about a changeover and make sure that people come out of the pirated versions.

The operating system of windows 10 will be free of cost for any user for the first one year after which it has to be purchased. While one long year of free usage is a great offer, the company admits that it has been this liberal to provoke the users to switch to genuine versions of the product instead of sticking to the pirated versions.

Hold on to your chairs and wait for the latest version to be delivered soon this summer. Experience the best of it and get your free copy at the earliest!

WhatsApp is Rolling Out its Voice Calling Feature on Android - Activate Here

Whatsapp, the so far, most popular chat application has now managed to take a further step. People can now make high quality free calls from the app at one go. But there are of course certain steps that one needs to follow in order to get this particular feature activated on their phones. Although the team has rolled this latest feature out, it has ensured that it is not made a cake walk for each one to get it. Furthermore, here are a few things that one needs to do in order to experience the latest add on.

                   Join Our Group on Facebook Group to Get Voice Calling feature Activated.

Basically, it is important for the users of Whatsapp to upgrade their current version of Whatsapp to the latest version which is 2.11.561. Sadly, it is not just that. The voice calling extension was at first rolled out to only a couple of users, who are the sources of activation of the same for other users. Only those of the people who have the feature activated on their instruments can activate this feature on the instruments of other people just by giving them a call. When once this call is received, it becomes handy for the following user as he has to just restart the app in order to see the latest additions on his Whatsapp screen.

The voice calling feature has been reported to be working quite well with most of the users while using Wi-Fi for the same purpose has been the best way so far. Voice clarity as well as connectivity is of great standards even if made through 3g or 2g at times. If at all the receiver has no access to internet, it is seen that the caller hears ringing but no connectivity will be given. While the receiver get the update of miss call when they are online again. Apart from that, if the caller has no access to internet, the call turns out to be a normal one, which gets connected using the operator services, thus applying normal call rates.

Although the method that was used to roll the extension out was quite inconvenient, the sole reason was indeed to make sure that it got spread across at a slower pace. It is still not clear whether or not the company would charge for the calls in the forthcoming days. As of now, it is totally free of cost as the feature does not even use the data services from the user’s account.

The visible changes that one will be able to notice as soon as the voice calling feature gets activated are many. There will be 3 columns on the Whatsapp page including chats, contacts as well as calls. The extra option called “calls” deals with showing the user the call log that shows the time at which the call was either made or received. A call button will also be seen beside the name of the contact in every single chat window so that one need not go all the way through the contact book if a call has to be made in the middle of a chat.

Ultimately, the latest update and addition has created a lot of enthusiasm in the users. While some of the fortunate users have already started experiencing the feature, there are a few more waiting out there for theirs to be activated. So it is time to go on and help add more people into the world of Whatsapp voice calling.

How to Activate

1. Join Our Group on Facebook Group
2. On "WhatsApp Voice Call" Post in Facebook - Post your number in comment/Ping it to the person above in the comment
3. You will Receive the Call from that person.
4. Answer the call and after ending the call, reopen the app to enjoy the Feature.

The good, bad and the ugly of budget 2015 | Finance Budget 2015

Budget plays a major role in bringing about a smoother administration of a country. It is a well-planned budget by the government that ensures a growth in the economic status of a country. For a developing country like India, the planning of the budget should be done in such a way as to make sure that no sector gets badly affected. It is important to bear in mind the citizens, their income, their needs, supplies, the market, business and the list goes on and on. Since one can find all classes of people within the country, it is very hard to satisfy each one with a single budget plan. This results in certain good, bad as well as ugly effects on certain sectors. The budget plan of the year 2015 has got all the three components with good taking the major part of it for industries while hit the pocket of common man.

  • As a good start, it was announced by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley that there will soon be a national skills mission to ensure youth employment and help upliftment of the rural youth. 
  • The announcement for 5 AIIMS in the states of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh and Assam,
  • IIMs in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in Andhra Pradesh and an IIT in Karnataka has been sweet news to educationalists and students.
  • Funds have also been released for school education and higher education.
  • Coming to the corporate sector, the announcement of a 5 percent reduction in the corporate tax for the next four years
  • The abolition of wealth tax and replacement of the latter with an additional 2 percent surcharge on super rich corporates has created a positive impression.
  • There is also a 100% deduction in the tax for contribution to clean Ganga and swachch Bharath schemes.
  • 5 Ultra Mega power projects, of 4000 MW announced
  • Highest ever allocation for MGNREGA, by increasing it this year by 5,000 crore rupees
  • Exemption for health insurance increased from 15,000 to 25,000 rupees and Rs. 30,000 for senior citizens

  • Furthermore, there also is some bad news for the consumers as
  • The service tax rate goes up from the existing 12.36 percent to 14. This has been done keeping in mind the amusement facilities such as that of bowling alleys, arcades, water parks, restaurants as well as mobile network services. Entry for entertainment shows will as well be considered under the same category.
  • Swachh Bharat Cess on all or certain taxable services at a rate of 2% 
  • Air travel, Plastic bags and sacks, tobacco products to become costlier

  • Individual tax payers see no change in the tax rates. This makes the budget 2015 a plan which pays less attention towards encouraging individuals and exempting from taxes.
  • Since the major focus of this plan is on education and business confidence, there is very less for an individual to expect from the same.

  • A general aggregate of Rs 2,510 crore has been put aside in the financial backing for 2015-16 under the head "Digital India Program and Telecommunications and Electronic Industries".

One main feature of the budget plan this year is seen to be that the technology being highlighted. The widespread use of technology in various fields starting from farmers, the poor as well as the youth would be of great help. Rationalization of the same is of great importance, the application of technology in the right field would allow a channelized flow of the latest research thus making it applicable in the fields that truly are in need. The technological advancement can now be introduced to the sectors where they are most needed. 

MNP is now an easier process: Thanks to TRAI

Changing service providers for mobile networks without changing the mobile number was not possible in India until a new amendment was rolled out recently. It is indeed a great news for those of the people who may have to move over to other states of the country as they need not bother to buy a new number from a different service provider altogether. This being an act of Mobile number portability (MNP) will be of great help to people who relocate to a different geographical area within the country. 

The TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has announced the release of the above feature by May 2015. It is from then when people can start using their same number even if the service provider is different and from a different service provider (the telecom circles vary with states). The feature works on the basis of differentiating the two service providers as donor and recipient operators.

The donor operator (the one whose network is opted out by the subscriber) will give a notice within 30 days of application for the payment of outstanding bills. When once these are settled by the subscriber, the operator will raise no objection against porting to another service provider. If the donor operator does not issue a notice within the first 60 days, then it is not entitled to issue a notice for nonpayment of the outstanding bills.

With the settlement of the previous bills, the subscriber will have the privilege of porting to the new operator known as the recipient operator. If the subscriber is seen to have not fulfilled his commitments with the donor, then the recipient operator will have all the rights to disapprove the application. Hence, the whole process is linked in such a way as to make the process smoother under all aspects.The new amendment is of great help to those users shifting between states of India.

WhatsApp Starts Rolling Out Voice Call to Android Users

One might have wondered all along as to why WhatsApp, the most popular text messaging application in the world has yet not decided to bring in voice calling services. It is indeed an interesting news for all of its users that WhatsApp have rolled out its latest add on, the voice calling services for limited users. While this great step happens to be facing a great challenging trying to impress its users with the add on being better than the preexisting popular voice call apps, the users are awaiting to see WhatsApp as an all-in-one app soon.

The testing of the latest addition was carried out within a set of people who had this service turned on in their devices. The latest version of the app now ensures that one can have a hearty voice call with another may it be an Android device or a blackberry 10. The update has still not been made to suit iOS and sadly, the Apple users may have to wait for a few more days to use the same.

Furthermore, the updates in the following version includes another screen that is completely dedicated to the components of the voice calling service. Log lists, numbers of contacts, duration, dial pad and much more features will be seen in the latter. One can easily expect a calling button on the WhatsApp window which makes it easy for the user to access the feature.

Whatsapp voice Calling
Voice Call Feature - Image Courtesy by Times of India
The initiative of spreading the voice calling feature of the app across to a set of people was carried out by sending out invites in order to have them joined into the club. However, some of the phones were seen to have not supported the invite and the team seems to be working hard on fixing it soon.

With this amazing update, the users can expect WhatsApp to be a better, fun-filled, exciting application not only for texting and voice messaging purposes, but also for voice calls with great quality and connectivity. The makers of the app also promise updates and fixes based on the functioning of the add on after the rolling out of the same for all the users.